Catalog and Search - Ethnic | | | Zim185 Make a Better Future
 | 07.Peace Planet A | 2:36 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Pop, Driving, Energetic, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |
| | Zim183 Mandolin Music 2B
 | 08.Sea Song B (small mix) | 2:37 |  | |  | (Acoustic, Ethnic, World, Folk, Indie Folk, New Age, Contemplative, Dramatic, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Quirky, Whimsical) |
| Zim182 Mandolin Music 2
 | 08.Sea Song A | 2:37 |  | |  | (Acoustic, Drama, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, New Age, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, Quirky, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | Zim172 String Theory B
| Zim171 String Theory
 | 03.Cello Chillin A | 2:55 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Orchestral, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) |
| | | Zim168 Urban Landscapes 3
 | 05.Street Corner Hang | 2:40 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Rock, Urban, Driving, Fun, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Quirky, Whimsical, ) |  | 06.It Takes A Village | 3:14 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Urban, Scary) |
| | | Zim165 Guitar Landscapes 6B
 | 02.Morning Rain B (no ac gtr) | 2:30 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, New Age, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, ) |  | 09.Time Traveler B (no ac gtr) | 2:32 |  | |  | (Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Folk, Indie Folk, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Pretty, ) |
| | | Zim162 Jukebox Uke
 | 05.Cuke Umber A | 2:22 |  | |  | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Folk, Indie Folk, Pop, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | Zim151 Genome Journey
 | 05.Genome Journey | 2:26 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Driving, Energetic, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |  | 09.Global Research | 2:21 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Contemplative, Energetic, Evocative, Happy, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | Zim146 Guitar Landscapes 5 B
 | 05.Istanbul B (no cello) | 2:30 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Folk, Indie Folk, New Age, Contemplative, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Moody, Quirky, ) |
| Zim145 Guitar Landscapes 5
 | 05.Istanbul A | 2:30 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, New Age, Pop, Contemplative, Dramatic, Driving, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, Quirky, ) |
| | | | Zim141 Dream Cycles B
 | 07.Desert Dance B (small mix) | 2:15 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, ) |
| | | | Zim137 Worldly Wonders
 | 01.Worldly Wonders | 2:18 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Pop, Driving, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Upbeat, ) |  | 02.Color Wheel | 2:17 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Contemplative, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, ) |  | 03.River Of Life | 2:14 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Energetic, Evocative, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, ) |  | 04.World Prayer | 2:32 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Contemplative, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Pretty, ) |  | 05.World Celebration | 2:11 |  | |  | (Download:, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Driving, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Upbeat, ) |  | 06.Call To Action | 2:15 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, ) |  | 07.Snake Charmer | 2:30 |  | |  | (Drama, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dark, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) |  | 08.A Better World | 2:50 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, ) |  | 09.Takes A Village | 2:52 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, ) |  | 10.Love Trumps Hate | 2:07 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Ethereal, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim123 Light Fantastic
 | 07.Journey To Ixland | 2:22 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dark, Dramatic, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | Zim112 Dream Cycles
 | 07.Desert DanceA | 2:15 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Happy, Moody, Motivational, Pretty, Upbeat, ) |
| Zim111 Cool Rockin' Guitars 2
 | 07.Yah Mahn B | 2:14 |  | |  | (Commercial, Ads, Ethnic, World, Pop, Rock, Fun, Happy, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | Zim105 Dark Dreams
 | 05.Night In The Jungle | 2:06 |  | |  | (Drama, Ethnic, World, Film Score, Horror, Contemplative, Dark, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody, Scary, ) |
| | Zim103 Mallet Music 2
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim89 Think Positive 2
| | | | Zim85 Successful ventures
| | | | | | Zim79 Think Positive
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim59 Bang On A Drum
| | | | | | | Zim51 Earth Tones
 | 01.Earth Spirit | 2:57 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Upbeat) |  | 02.Monkey Around | 3:08 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Fun, Happy, Whimsical) |  | 03.Suspensful Safari | 2:49 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody) |  | 04.Peaceful Planet | 2:26 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Contemplative, Evocative, Pretty) |  | 05.Soul Of The Earth | 2:59 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Moody, Motivational, Pretty) |  | 06.Planetary Connections | 2:24 |  | |  | (Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational) |  | 07.Passing The Torch | 2:36 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Moody, Motivational, Pretty) |  | 08.Jungle Mood | 2:47 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody) |  | 09.Groove Culture | 2:27 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Fun, Upbeat) |  | 10.Groove CultureB | 2:27 |  | |  | (Corporate, Business, Ethnic, World, Motivational, Upbeat) |  | 11.Earth Tones | 3:02 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody) |
| | | Zim46 Positive Energy 3
| | | | | Zim40 Mallet Music
 | 03.Dream Box | 2:30 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Contemplative, Ethereal, Pretty, Whimsical) |  | 07.Caravan | 2:30 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Moody) |
| | | | | | | | Zim32 Time Passages
| | | | | | | | | | | | Zim17 Kinetic Energy
| | | | | Zim10 World View
 | 01.-Global-Village- | 2:58 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Pretty, Upbeat, Driving, Ethereal, ) |  | 02.-Folk-Tradition- | 3:07 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Whimsical, Ethereal, Evocative, ) |  | 03.-Many-Countries- | 2:46 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Upbeat, Driving, ) |  | 04.-World-View- | 2:55 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Pretty, Ethereal, Pretty, ) |  | 05.-Global-Hymn- | 3:24 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Motivational, Evocative, Pretty, ) |  | 06.-Traveling-Abroad- | 2:22 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Moody, Upbeat, Driving, ) |  | 07.-Person-to-Person- | 3:06 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Ethereal, Evocative, Pretty, ) |  | 08.-The-Human-Condition- | 2:50 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Moody, Ethereal, Evocative, Pretty, ) |  | 09.-Joyful-Noise- | 2:29 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Upbeat, Fun, Happy, ) |  | 10.-The-earth-Sings- | 3:01 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Motivational, Ethereal, ) |  | 11.-Ritual- | 2:06 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Upbeat, Driving, Evocative, ) |  | 12.-Earth-Dance- | 2:21 |  | |  | (Ethnic, World, Motivational, Evocative, Pretty, ) |
| | | | | | | | |