Catalog and Search - Orchestral | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim172 String Theory B
| 02.Joyful Strings B (no drums) | 2:43 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, ) | | 04.I Will Be Bach B (no drums) | 2:47 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Energetic, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, ) | | 05.String Drama Unfolds B (no drums) | 2:40 | | | | (Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Dark, Dramatic, Driving, Energetic, Moody, Motivational, ) | | 06.Recital Piece B (no drums) | 3:01 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 07.Healing Strings B (no drums) | 2:40 | | | | (Classical, Drama, Film Score, New Age, Orchestral, Contemplative, Dramatic, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Optimistic, Pretty, ) | | 09.Cool Cat Quartet B (no drums) | 2:21 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Pop, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Jazzy, Optimistic, Positive, Quirky, Whimsical, ) | | 10.Playing The Strings B (no drums) | 2:50 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Energetic, Fun, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, ) |
| Zim171 String Theory
| 01.Etude In Energy A | 2:47 | | | | (Orchestral, Pop, Dramatic, Driving, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, ) | | 02.Joyful Strings A | 2:43 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Energetic, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) | | 03.Cello Chillin A | 2:55 | | | | (Ethnic, World, Film Score, New Age, Orchestral, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 09.Cool Cat Quartet A | 2:20 | | | | (Classical, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Pop, Driving, Energetic, Fun, Optimistic, Positive, Quirky, Upbeat, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim157 Strings In Motion 2
| 03.Confident Direction | 2:07 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Pop, Dramatic, Driving, Energetic, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Upbeat, ) | | 07.Energetic Etude | 2:05 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Pop, Dramatic, Driving, Energetic, Happy, Motivational, Optimistic, Positive, Pretty, Quirky, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim143 Goodness Gracious me
| 02.Dramas | 2:46 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Dark, Dramatic, Moody, Quirky, Whimsical, ) | | 06.Funny People | 2:19 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Dark, Moody, Quirky, Tense, Whimsical, ) | | 07.Stooges | 2:19 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Moody, Quirky, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim127 Grooved Strings
| 01.Perpetual Strings | 2:13 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 02.Classical Beat | 2:17 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Happy, Motivational, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) | | 03.String Song | 2:13 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 04.String Along | 2:12 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 06.String Drama | 2:08 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dark, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Moody, ) | | 07.Heart On A String | 2:17 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Pretty, Upbeat, ) | | 09.Baroque In Two | 2:06 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Evocative, Fun, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) |
| Zim126 Dark Dreams 2
| | | | | | | | Zim118 Warm Spirit
| 01.Peaceful Nostalgia A | 2:25 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Orchestral, Contemplative, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 02.Contemplation A | 2:16 | | | | (Acoustic, Classical, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Orchestral, Contemplative, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 03.Peace Of Mind A | 2:17 | | | | (Acoustic, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Orchestral, Contemplative, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 04.Pastoral A | 2:14 | | | | (Acoustic, Classical, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Orchestral, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 05.Warm Thoughts A | 2:15 | | | | (Acoustic, Classical, Commercial, Ads, Drama, Film Score, Folk, Indie Folk, Orchestral, Contemplative, Ethereal, Evocative, Moody, Pretty, ) | | 10.Beautiful World A | 2:20 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Evocative, Moody, Motivational, Pretty, ) |
| | | | | Zim113 Tensionitis
| | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim100 Kid's Corner
| 04.Sorta Twinkle Twinkle | 1:45 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Sad, Whimsical, ) | | 09.Toddler Tune | 2:16 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical, ) |
| | | | | | | Zim93 Tension Mounts
| Zim92 Strings In Motion
| 01.Power Struggle | 2:08 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Drama, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, ) | | 02.String Groove | 2:03 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody, Motivational, ) | | 03.Dramatic Outburst | 2:24 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, Upbeat, ) | | 04.Recital Room | 2:50 | | | | (Classical, Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical, ) | | 05.Dark And Scary Place | 2:08 | | | | (Drama, Film Score, Horror, Orchestral, Dark, Dramatic, Moody, Scary, ) | | 06.Happy Strings | 2:08 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Pop, Driving, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Upbeat, Whimsical, ) | | 07.Frontal Assault | 2:24 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 08.String Strategies | 2:06 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 09.Rapid String Delivery | 2:05 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Drama, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody, Motivational, Upbeat, ) | | 10.Strings In Motion | 2:19 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational, Upbeat, ) |
| | | | | | | Zim85 Successful ventures
| | Zim83 Repeat After Me
| 05.Animated Melody | 2:05 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Upbeat, Whimsical) | | 09.Constant Cello | 2:03 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational, Upbeat) |
| | | | | | | | | Zim74 Dark Intrigue
| 06.Under Siege | 2:01 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) | | 08.No Exit | 2:03 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody) | | 09.Goblin March | 2:16 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) |
| | | | | | Zim68 Drama Queen
| 01.Espionage | 2:03 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 02.Tension Building | 2:06 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 03.Conflicting Interests | 2:01 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) | | 05.Serious Situation | 2:03 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 07.Dark Times | 2:07 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 08.Anticipation | 2:34 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 09.Political Intrigue | 2:17 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 10.Dramatic Queen | 2:16 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) |
| Zim67 Lighter Moments 2
| 01.Hide And Seek | 1:59 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Whimsical) | | 04.Lightly Buttered | 2:14 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 05.Little Dab Will Doo | 2:03 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 06.Silly Vamp | 2:12 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Whimsical) | | 08.Toyland | 2:24 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 10.Bouncey Bounce | 2:02 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Upbeat, Whimsical) |
| | | | | Zim61 Quirky Nature
| 05.Quirky Motion | 2:13 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Motivational, Whimsical) | | 07.Making Connections | 2:20 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody, Whimsical) | | 09.Gentle Gestures | 2:02 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Evocative, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 10.Dirvish Dance | 2:10 | | | | (Acoustic, Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Evocative, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) |
| Zim60 Bang on a Drum 2
| 01.Summer Blockbuster | 2:27 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) | | 04.Mordor Attacks | 2:09 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) | | 05.Survivor | 2:13 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Motivational) | | 07.City Mood | 2:03 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim40 Mallet Music
| 10.Pachabel | 2:08 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Fun, Motivational, Upbeat, Whimsical) |
| | | | Zim36 Lighter Moments
| 01.Heavenly Housewives | 2:16 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Whimsical) | | 03.Cat and Mouse | 2:33 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 05.Romantic Comedy | 2:08 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Fun, Happy, Whimsical) | | 06.Lighter Moments | 2:40 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Whimsical) | | 07.Cutsie Pie | 2:20 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 08.Mallet Music | 2:10 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Happy, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 10.Light and Easy | 2:06 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Film Score, Orchestral, Happy, Whimsical) |
| | Zim34 Strong Strings
| 01.Strong and Proud | 2:37 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving) | | 02.Boardroom | 2:26 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Moody) | | 03.Business Model | 2:51 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Orchestral, Motivational, Pretty, Whimsical) | | 04.Corporate Takeover | 2:45 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving) | | 05.Military Assignment | 2:57 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational) | | 06.Creative Process | 2:54 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Fun, Pretty, Upbeat) | | 07.Team Effort | 3:15 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational) | | 08.Day of Reckoning | 2:15 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Contemplative, Dramatic, Evocative, Moody) | | 09.Campus Life | 2:15 | | | | (Commercial, Ads, Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Driving, Fun, Happy, Motivational, Whimsical) | | 10.National Spirit | 2:47 | | | | (Corporate, Business, Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Driving, Motivational) |
| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Zim01 Frontlines
| 01.Opening Salvo | 1:36 | | | | (Orchestral, Film Score, Dramatic) | | 02.Prepare For Battle | 1:57 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 03.UnrelentingAttack | 4:28 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 04.Wartime Intrique | 4:10 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 05.Attack | 1:30 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 06.Peace Through Stength | 1:37 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 07.Know Thy Enemy | 1:59 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 08.Slow March Home | 2:10 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 09.Aftermath | 1:53 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Sad, Moody) | | 10.Skirmishes | 1:19 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 11.Final Battle | 0:48 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 12.Hell on Earth | 2:59 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Moody) | | 13.Hand To Hand Combat1 | 1:46 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 14.Loyalty | 1:03 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 15.Night Battle | 1:55 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 16.Hand To Hand Combat2 | 0:37 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 17.War Plans | 1:46 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 18.The Ultimate Sacrifice | 1:02 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic, Sad, Moody) | | 19.Sneak Attack | 1:34 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 20.War Room | 1:53 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 21.Prepare for Battle2 | 1:03 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) | | 22.Hand To Hand Combat3 | 0:39 | | | | (Film Score, Orchestral, Dramatic) |